Thompson-Arthur Paving & Construction is effectively positioned to offer seamless turnkey solutions and comprehensive project management services. When you choose us for a Construction project, you gain all the advantages of an experienced, single contractor renowned for providing superior quality workmanship at every level.
Cost: $16M+
Specifics: Prime Contractor, widening, underdrain, concrete repair, resurfacing, guardrail, signage and pavement markings. Placed 46,260 tons of base asphalt, 66,780 tons of binder asphalt and 58,260 tons of surface asphalt over a span of nine months.
Cost: $3.6M+
Specifics: Prime Contractor, total runway, taxiway and apron rehabilitation. 45 day airport closure (reopened in 41 days to complete runway and apron rehab. 84,000sy of Double Bituminous Surface Treatment followed by 16,750 tons of P401 on the runway.
Cost: $7.8M+
Specifics: Prime contractor for total runway and taxiway rehabilitation. 14 day airport closure to complete all work on the runway and taxiway F. 25,600 CY of excavation, 49,400 tons of P-209 aggregate base followed by 55,900 tons of P-401 asphalt base and surface course. Project was 60 calendar days to complete above work, and associated electrical, drainage, striping, seeding and other miscellaneous work.
Cost: $110M+
Specifics: Prime Contractor, 23 Bridges including the longest single span steel structure in North Carolina, 4.5 miles of new three and four lane pavement through an urban landscape, three major interchanges.